Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Marmite Crisis!

Once again the Christchurch earthquakes have disrupted our everyday live's.

Our beloved Marmite is currently suffering a worldwide shortage.

The reasoning? Earthquake damage to a cooling tower at the company's Christchurch factory rendered the nearby Marmite building unsafe. Surely there is another building they could use?

So this whole 'crisis' got me wondering..... I wonder who thought of making a yeast based, black tar-ry substance to spread on toast. So I investigated the 'Birth of Marmite' pretty much it came about in the dark ages (pre 1680) when some dutch scientist found a use for the discarded yeast that's been used to ferment sugars into alcohol

Over the years the process has been refined to get the spreadable goodness we have today.

And of course there is an influx of Marmite on TradeMe now - its just the same as when they took Snifters away (still a touchy subject)

They are selling for ridiculcious prices. One guy is asking $800 for his jar - I don't love it THAT much buddy.

Marmite is definitely one of those pantry essentials that you take for granted until they tell you that you cant have anymore.

I know its not the 'be-all-and-end-all' but it is still a major inconvenience considering Marmite just so happens to be my latest pregnancy craving.

I love Marmite and cheese either in a sandwich or on crackers. Marmite and cheese on toasties is even better!

I was discussing this with one of the ladies at work. My all time favourite use for Marmite is to spread it on luncheon meat!!!! We always had luncheon and Marmite sandwiches for school lunches as a kid - apparently this is weird? Another favourite was Marmite and lettuce sandwiches - again apparently weird.

She then went on to tell me about her favourite Marmite combo, Poached eggs on toast WITH MARMITE! And I'm weird!

What are some of your favourite Marmite combinations??

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