So as a regular blog stalker and because I cant think of anything better.....I am going to do a Friday countdown every week. I have even added my own 'Did you know??' part :)
I will attempt to put a photo for each topic
So to kick off....
Five Things I Am Thankful For:
1) My Husband - He keeps me grounded, reminds me to think long term, I am a very here and now person. Once an idea is in my head then I go into attack mode. He keeps me on track
2) My job - I know that sounds weird but I am very thankful for having a secure and well paying job with the way things have been going in the economy lately. Plus living in a small town dosent exaclty have the high class jobs as a city would
3) That I get along well with Codys family. I was just reading a post on my wedding forum about a poor girl who is having the worst time trying to plan her wedding because her and her fiance's mother just cant seem to see eye to eye on ANYTHING. I am thankful for K and W being such awesome inlaws :o)
4) V. I am thankful to the person who created this magical potion. It is my saviour and is the only thing that gets me through the day .... *sigh*
5) The internet, in particular, Google. I honestly dont know how society functioned before this great invention. I use Google more than anyone! For pictures for documents or just random info :)
Four Things That Got Me Thinking This Week:
1) That an 79 year old lady can die in her home and nobody notices she is missing for 8 years!
2) Is the end really near? With all the terrible qukaes in Christchurch and numerous aftershocks there have also been substantial quakes in Auckland, Raoul Island, Porangahua, Seddon, Taupo, Arthurs Pass, and Castlepoint! There have been 30 earthquakes ranging from 2.9 to 7.6 in magnitude and that is just this week!
3) My latest little obsession is DIY. And I mean more of a DIY house project. I have been thinking for ages about getting a little old doer-upper that I can 'play' with and make pretty to off sell. But then I hear what Labour are proposing with capital gains tax. Is it going to be worth it? There was also mention of tax on farms and tax on the sale of shares - I mean really? No wonder people are wary to invest, why would you when everything you earn will be taxed!
4) Why didnt they come up with the idea of the collision biscuits earlier? I mean a toffee pop crossed with a mellow puff? This girls dreams have come true!
Three Things I Want To Accomplish This Week:
1) Finish off fixing up the area where our night stores used to be. We took out 2 night store heaters to have our new carpet put in. They have sat in our 'gaming room' for nearly a year! We finally got the electrain in to put them back but he pretty much told me they are no good :( so out they go! but this means we have gapping holes where they used to be. So this is my task for this week.
2) I wanted to accomplish making my final payment on my student loan - and guess what? I DID IT! It only took 10 years but that dreaded loan is history. This gives us an extra $160 per fortnight.
3) Get my studies sorted. I am one paper away from completing my Diploma of Financial Services. I just need to get this final paper sorted and then I AM DONE
Two Things I Am Sad About:
1) The property market - we had our lovely home appraised this week. We are really wanting to get into a lifestyle property. Our house will sell in the current market for less than we paid for it. And we have done so much to it. It is really disheartening when you put so much love and soul into your home only for someone to tell you it worthless :(
2) A friend of mine recently told me that her and her partner are thinking of moving away. It is the best decision for them and I think I am secretly jealous of them, but I am still sad that she is moving.....
One Random Thing:
I swear to god I just saw Christina from Greys Anatomy on the street, and thats not exactly a face you can mis-take!
Did you know??
That hippo milk is pink!
Awwww how cute is this little guy? - Totally WANT
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